Do you have negative reviews or defamatory content online?
While it may not be easy to remove negative content or defamatory post outright on many sites, there are some ways that this can be done. Mainly there are legal ways of doing this, by engaging with a legal council. For example, if the posting includes a copyrighted image of yours a copyright infringement notice may be used. However, sometimes that may only get the image removed and not the actual post. Other times, we can get the search engines to remove the negative content. If the site does not appear in Google and other search engines, then the goal is accomplished.
As an online reputation management (ORM) company, we have made arrangements with several attorneys to help our clients. We are very familiar with the relevant reputation laws and could advice you of your best options.
Sites We Can Remove From
We can remove from many sites and if not, we try to suppress them. We have successfully removed negative content outright from various sites such as Ripoff Report, Yelp,,, Complaints Board, BadBoyReport, BBB, Avvo and TheDirty. We have been able to get Google, Yahoo and Bing to remove content from sites such as scambook and pissedconsumer.
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